Finalist in 2017 and 2018 - Photolucidia - Critical Mass portfolio review

STATEMENT (see reviews below)
She was unfaltering in her religious strength as a devoted Reformed Mennonite, lost one child shortly after birth, raised four children, lived through the depression, and against her religious principles sees her sons off to WWII. Later in life, her religious conviction would be tested beyond her allegiance. Her written words are the inspiration for this project for I never really knew her but I felt her touch through every passage I read.
This project examines one woman’s life, my grandmother Blanche, who with fidelity wrote in her diary nearly every day from 1915 to the day before she passed away in 1955 and she hid every volume in a box. The conflicts she faced in life and for her religious belief.
I selected to use the Wet Plate Collodion Process for this project because just as my grandmother lived shadowed in life by the austere rules of the church, she and her religious convictions were not perfect and never are two Wet Plate Collodion Tintypes the same.
”It is hard to find words to describe how these photographs affect me. Their quiet power is palpable and profound. I see so much of my own thoughts and anxieties about mortality, and memory reflected in these. Each photograph is its own poem, but together they weave a rich story, one that opens the door to viewers to see their own versions of the story.” -Hava Gurevich
A moving and sensitive body of work. A wonderful discovery for both artist and viewer, unknown
“I am loving the narrative element of your artist statement along with these images. I think we all long to understand our late family members better, what an amazing find that box must have been for you. I was also pleased to find that these are actually tintypes and not digital manipulation. Often I find that people use antiquated processes because it’s neat and not because it adds to the value of the images...in this case I think you 100% made the right choice. Thank you for sharing these images with us!” Audra Osborne, Photolucida Program Manager
“Loved the story behind this series, and decisions you made to portray what you were working with. Sounds like a engrossing project - very cool! We should all be so lucky to have someone this interested in our lives after we move to another realm!” Laura Moya Director Critical Mass.
All images and content Copyright © 2000 - 2021 Barbara J. Dombach, all rights reserved