“What’s On Your Plate”


My Grandparents as well as generations before them grew their own food as a way to be frugal and feed the family. I was raised on the farm that was once my grandparents. As a youngster, my parents taught me how to raise the foods we needed, beef cattle and hogs, and to cultivate our own vegetables.  Later my mother taught me how to can and freeze what the garden produced.

To this day here on the farm we grow our own vegetables, beef, and hogs.  At times I think about what my Grandparents or parents might say if they only knew we continued the tradition. Now my daughter plants her vegetable seeds and plants with care, and weeds and enjoys the bounty that earth supplies. 

In a way, this was a strange project for me that began several years ago as just an experiment but grew into a complete project. It took form from a bountiful garden using a majority of plants I grew from seeds nurtured by me and later collected for consumption, as natural as food should be.


“Glad to spend time on your website - liked your Lumen prints of vegetables very much!” Laura Moya, Director Critical Mass

All images and content Copyright © 2000 - 2021 Barbara J. Dombach, all rights reserved